9 enormous shots of golden brocade crown bursts with red, green and purple tips.
A beautiful 16 shot, 200 gram cake featuring the unique pistil effect, which is a ball of stars in the center of another ball of stars. Another way to describe this effect is a small peony inside a larger peony. Tail up by gold willow & colorful glitters with crackles in turn. All capped off by it's own mini-finale. This one's a winner.
Do you like fireworks? Do you like cats? We have a firework with a cat on it. Look at it. It looks scared but cute at the same time! How many animals can do that? We can't think of any other ones. Anyway, this little guy features 16 shots of green tail dahlia & red glitter, red tail with purple dahlia & white glitter. It finishes off with 4 shots red wave with crackling.