Perfect in it's simplicity and a king among classic childhood firework favorites, the sparkler is hand-held firework that burns slowly while emitting bright, intense colored flames, sparks, and other effects. Sparklers are generally formed around a thin non-combustible metallic wire that has been dipped in a thick batter of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry.
Perfect in it's simplicity and a king among classic childhood firework favorites, the sparkler is hand-held firework that burns at approximately a foot per minute while emitting bright, intense colored flames, sparks, and other effects. Sparklers are generally formed around a thin non-combustible metallic wire that has been dipped in a thick batter of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry.
Perfect in it's simplicity and a king among classic childhood firework favorites, the sparkler is hand-held firework that burns at approximately a foot per minute while emitting bright, intense colored flames, sparks, and other effects. Sparklers are generally formed around a thin non-combustible metallic wire that has been dipped in a thick batter of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry. "Morning Glory" type sparklers consist of a composition filled tube attached to a bamboo rod using brightly colored tissue paper and ribbon. These giant multi-colored torch sparklers change their pigment as they burn down. At 3 feet long they last 3 minutes!
Perfect in it's simplicity and a king among classic childhood firework favorites, the sparkler is hand-held firework that burns slowly while emitting bright, intense colored flames, sparks, and other effects. Sparklers are generally formed around a thin non-combustible metallic wire that has been dipped in a thick batter of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry. 8" Color sparklers. Each sparkler emits gold sparks for approximately 30 seconds. Includes 12 packages with 5 sparklers in each for a total of 60 sparklers.
144 Pieces of Morning Glory Colorful Sparklers, on a wooden stick
Unique, Colorful & Quite Entertaining! Try it and you'll like it!!!
Regular sparklers are great and everything, but these Sparkling Wands are easier to handle, light, and last for 2 whole minutes with an outstanding performance. These will quickly become a must-have for every family. Perfect in it's simplicity and a king among classic childhood firework favorites, the sparkler is hand-held firework that burns at approximately a foot per minute while emitting bright, intense colored flames, sparks, and other effects. Sparklers are generally formed around a thin non-combustible metallic wire that has been dipped in a thick batter of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry.
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