
Five reasons fireworks are the perfect family activity

With the Fourth of July and summer family barbeques fast approaching, consider organizing a family fireworks show to celebrate the season.  Everyone knows that fireworks are a lot of fun, but there are other reasons that fireworks are the perfect family activity:

1) Family Bonding

A family fireworks show is a great opportunity for parents and kids to spend time together, in person, without distractions. From planning the event to shopping together at your local fireworks store to enjoying the sight of fireworks shooting into the air, families can spend time together every step of the way.  There's no better way to spend a summer day!


2) Teamwork

Make your fireworks activity a team project for the whole family. Assigning roles to both kids and grown-ups based on their age and maturity level can make your fireworks display a valuable team-building experience for everyone. If the kids love fireworks but are a bit too young to handle them on their own, consider assigning responsibilities such as safety monitor or color expert.


3) Communication

In order to make your family event a success, all members of the team will need to communicate effectively.  Teaching your kids to communicate with other family members about roles and responsibilities, timing, safety precautions and other elements of the show will help them communicate effectively in other life situations.  Your kids will be equipped with communication skills that will serve them well as adults.


4) Teach Safety

The use of fireworks in your next family activity is another opportunity to teach all members of the family valuable safety lessons. Not only do parents get to exercise and reinforce their authority as the adults, but parents impart valuable knowledge to their children and other members of the family.  You can visit sites such as The National Council on Fireworks Safety ( for important information on the safe and responsible use of fireworks.


5) Memories

There's a reason that even the happiest places on earth, Disneyworld and other amusement parks, use fireworks to seal a day of magic at their theme parks; fireworks are magical. You never know what color will explode across the sky or when a thunderous boom will fill the air. Fireworks are awe inspiring for children and adults alike.  Consider having a fireworks show at your next family event and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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