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The Best Way to Plan for Your July 4th Fireworks Show

The Best Way to Plan for Your July 4th Fireworks Show

Firework displays on the 4th of July area major American tradition. Planning your fireworks show can be confusing,especially if you are a first timer. There are a lot of things to keep in mind, from legal issues to safety rules.


Laws regarding fireworks vary from one state to another.It is important to familiarize yourself with the laws in your region before planning your show. Sometimes localities have strict laws too. It is vital to take both local and state laws into consideration. Along with permits, it a great idea to get insurance policies in case there is any damage to property.

The Site

Examine the area where the firework display will take place. Keep in mind the distance from the surrounding trees and buildings.Notice the dryness of the vegetation around, because dryer the vegetation,easier it will catch fire. Take measurements of the site. Making a sketch ofyour display plan will help a lot. The areas where the audience will be located should be clearly defined.

There should be barriers and caution tape beyond which no spectators are allowed. After measuring the site, the size of the devices should be determined and limits should be established. A margin should be given for debris and other objects. Think twice about using rockets, because they can sometimes be unpredictable and compromise safety.

Duration and Devices

Although lighting fireworks one after another for hours may be fun, the audience may get distracted. It is best to keep displays short, anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes. This way you can show variety and ensure you have the attention of the audience. The length of your show also depends on your budget. The devices or products that will be a part of your show need to be chosen accordingly. It is important to consider quality and safety while buying fireworks. It is recommended that you purchase fireworks from a well-known store like


The size of site will give you an idea about the kind of fireworks you can buy. Planning the show duration is a great way to narrow down your choice of fireworks. If it is a children's party, it is better to have a display that is not too noisy. Find out if you are buying all the fireworks or if your friends are pitching in too. Making a list of what you need and shopping around for discounts is a great way to go about managing you budget.


Adding soundtracks that are coordinated with your fireworks increases the entertainment value greatly. Variety in music is a great way to keep the crowd entertained. It is best to play one song for no more than a minute or two and make sure these songs are recognizable.

Safety Precautions

If there is any hand firing, you should have safety gear like glasses and gloves. A first aid kit is a must and so are fire extinguishers as precaution against an accident.